Activists in Mare’a and Azaz in Aleppo countryside protested against “Moscow Platform”

Protesters in Mare’a city in Aleppo northern countryside refuse any role of “Moscow Platform” in negotiations with Assad regime.

On Friday noon, dozens of civil activists in Azaz city in north Aleppo protested against “Moscow Platform” and refused any rule in anti-Assad regime “High Negotiations Committee HNC”.

NSO reporter said the protesters who started the protest from al-Maytam roundabout denounced the Platform’s ideas including Bashar al-Assad remain in his post, they held banners against Assad regime and Moscow platform.

Azaz city council member Yasser Hamdoush told NSO “we can’t negotiate with a regime who still detain our sons, Assad departure is our demand and we bargain in it” he added that Assad remain in power means more terrorism and bloodshed.

3 days ago 3 opponent platforms: Cairo Platform, Moscow Platform and HNC (Riyadh platform)met in Riyadh city while other opponent platforms met officials in Saudi foreign ministry but Moscow Platform refused any demand by Syrian people including the departure of Bashar al-Assad.

Azaz protesters held banners demanding armed opposition groups in north Aleppo to launch a military operation to kick whom they described as “Qandil mercenaries” from towns and cities in Aleppo northern countryside in reference to PYD and its affiliated miltias.

In related context, NSO reporter said activists in Mare’a protested denouncing Moscow platform joining HNC and condemns negotiating with regime with the Russians.

Abu Salah al-Najar one of the activists who organized the protest told NSO reporter: Qadri Jamil can’t be a representative to the Syrian people demands for freedom and justice, he also questioned how Qadri is with opposition while he worked with regime after Syrian revolution started.

Moscow Platform contain figures considered by regime as “national opposition” most important is Qadri Jamil who was Assad regime parliament in 2012 then minister of internal trade in 2013 and he is the leader of Public Will party which he started in 2003.

Syria aleppo AZAZ MAREA MOSCOW ASSAD سوريا الأسد المعارضة جنيف موسكو

Khaled Al-Saleh

Reporter of Aleppo countryside