The Assayish detained civilians arrested by the regime to recruit them in Hassaka

The Assayish forces, part of the Democratic Union Party PYD, detained on Wednesday a group of young men were arrested by the Military Police of the regime when they were crossing in a bus at the Assayish checkpoint in Hassaka. 

NSO reporter in Hassaka said the Assayish members on Alsabbagh checkpoint at the Qamishli road on the northern enterance of Hassaka, stopped a patrol of the regime military police that was accompanying 20 civilians taken for forced recruitment. The bus was heading to Qamishli border city ,in the northeast of Hassaka. 

The reporter added the Sabbagh checkpoint leader , part of the Assayish, ordered the members to detain the civilians and asked the regime patrol to leave. A verbal dispute erupted between the Assayish leader and the regime officer ( first lieutenant ), who refused to leave without getting the civilians back , however, the YPG commander threatened him to arrest of he didn't leave.

A brother of one of the detainees said to NSO reporter that the regime military forces has arrested his brother, 2 days ago, at the president square, in the city center of Hassaka. Then later he discovered that the Assayish stopped the patrol and detained his brother with other civilians. He went to the Assayish checkpoint asking for his brother but in vain. He expressed concers that they might be recruited that the Self Administration, dominated by the Democratic Union Party PYD, and sent to Raqqa to fight agaisnt ISIL. 

According to the reporter, among the detained civilians were: Abdulkarim Alsayed from Alzuhour, Mahmoud Alali from Layliya and Abdulghani Sultan from almeridyan. He added their fate with many other civilians is still unknown. The Assayish forces, broke into the livestock market, east of Qamishli , on Wednesday, arresting a number of young men taking them to forced recruitment, called the Self Defense Units, imposed by the Self Administration. 

Worth to mention thay the regime forces and the People's Protection Units YPG, depend on recruiting f people aged between 18-30 years old forcibly, in the fight agaisnt ISIL in Hassaka, Raqqa and Dier Alzour.

Fadel Alkheder

A journalist from Hassaka city, a holder of BA in history and NSO reporter in Hassaka countryside.